In the middle of May, the Soirée Littéraire Slovaque – Slovak Literary Evening will take place in Paris under the title Journey from Bratislava to Paris via Douala - Wanderings of Jana Beňová and Marek Vadas, with the presence of both authors. The event will take place on Friday, 12 May 2023 in the renovated historical premises of the Institute of Oriental Studies, in the Borel Hall, which overlooks the Seine and offers direct view of the Louvre.
The event is organized by the Slovak Literary Centre and INALCO and it will take place with the support of the Slovak Institute in Paris and the publishing house Le Ver à soie.
The literary evening will be hosted by Diana Jamborová Lemay and the audience will listen to author's texts read by Jana Bittner and Isabelle Loisy.
The very next day, Marek Vadas will be the guest of the Night of Literature 2023, organized annually by FICEP – Forum of Foreign Cultural Institutes in Paris. He will present the French translation of his book The Healer, talk about his work in a short interview with the moderator, and finally sign books for his readers.