Lit_cast Slovakia #20: Katarzyna Dudzic-Grabińska

In Episode 20 of Lit_Cast Slovakia Polish translator and theatre director Kasia Dudzic-Grabińska talks to Julia Sherwood about what she misses most about Slovakia and her favourite Slovak theatre companies, how she combines literary translation with theatre work, why she objects to „pop Auschwitz“ literature and about the challenge of finding hidden literary allusions in Milo Janáč’s alcohol-fuelled novella.



Katarzyna Dudzic-Grabińska

Alfréd Wetzler

              Čo Dante nevidel

              The Vrba-Wetzler Report (Auschwitz Protocols)

              Polish translation: Ucieczka z Auschwitz

              Film adaptation: The Auschwitz Report, directed by Peter Bebjak

Witold Pilecki

Jan Karski

              Story of a Secret State: My Report to the World

Milo Janáč

              Milo nemilo

              Gelnica (town in eastern Slovakia)

Venedikt Erofeev

Moskva-Petushki (Moscow to the End of the Line)

Katarína Kucbelová

              Čepiec (The Bonnet)

Michal Hvorecký

              Trol (Troll, excerpt in English)

Stoka Theatre

SkRAT Theatre

Měsíc autorského čtení (Author Reading Month), is the largest Central European literary festival running annually since 2000 in Brno, Ostrava, Košice and Lviv, organized by the Brno-based publishing house Větrné mlýny.