Lit_cast Slovakia #22: Éva Karádi

In Lit_cast Slovakia #22 Hungarian literary organiser Éva Karádi talks to Julia Sherwood about championing European and, specifically, Slovak literature and which Slovak writers have made their mark in Hungary. She explains how editing Hungarian Lettre Internationale taught her that writers write better than philosophers, about the the importance of cultural bridge-building and why we shouldn’t make a distinction between ‘big’ and ‘small’ literatures.



Lettre Internationale

Antonin J. Liehm (obituary)

Hungarian Lettre International, Slovak issues: 63, 94, 98, 99, 100

Veronika Šikulová

Medzerový plod (Foulbrood)

Hiányos fijasítás, Hungarian translation by Tünde Mészáros

Jana Beňová

              Plán odprevádzania/Café hyena

Seeing People Off, English translation by Janet Livingstone

              Café Hyena. Elkísérési tervezet Hungarian translation by Tünde Mészáros

Pavol Rankov

              Stalo sa prvého septembra (alebo inokedy)

It Happened On the First September (Or Some Other Time), English translation by Magdaléna Mullek

              Szeptember elejéj (vagy máskor) Hungarian translation by Tünde Mészáros

Zuska Kepplová

Buchty švabachom57 km od Taškentu, the two novels appeared in Hungarian in  one volume as Sza_adság/ 2 in 1,  translated by Annamária Dósa

Silvester Lavrík

              Nedeľné šachy s Tisom (Sunday Chess Game with Tiso)

Peter Balko

              Vtedy v Lošonci (Once Upon a Time in Lošonc)

Pavol Vilikovský

Pál Závada

Kalligram publishing house

L’Harmattan publishing house

Aquaphone festival (article on the festival by Eva Andrejčáková)

Photos from the 2018 Dunapest Festival featuring Slovak poets


Hungarian anthologies of Slovak literature

Férfi, nő, gyerek - Mai szlovák történetek (Man, Woman, Child. Contemporary Slovak Stories) edited by Renáta Deák and Éva Karádi

Modern Dekameron. Huszadik századi szlovák novellák. / Slovak Novellas of the 20th Century,, Edited by Marta Součková

Szlováknak lenni csodás (Being a Slovak Is Wonderful), Slovak poetry, edited by Zoltán Németh