Lit_cast Slovakia #29: Martin Janeček

In LIT_cast Slovakia 29 deputy director of Karolinum Press Martin Janeček talks to Julia Sherwood about bringing Czech books to foreign audiences, being undeterred by the disruptions to publishing schedules caused by the pandemic, and about the Modern Czech Classics series that aims to go beyond the traditional literary canon. And – ta-da! – he reveals plans for a new Modern Slovak Classics series and his publishing house‘s long-term commitment to introduce the best of Slovak literature.




Martin Janeček

Karolinum Press, Modern Czech Classics Series

Zdeněk JirotkaSaturnin, trans. Mark Corner

Vladislav Vančura: A Summer of Caprice (Rozmarné léto) trans. Mark Corner

Bohumil Hrabal:  Pirouettes on a Postage Stamp, (Kličky na kapesníku), trans. David Short

Ladislav Fuks: The Cremator (Spalovač mrtvol) trans. Eva Kandler

Ladislav Grosman: The Shop on Main Street (Obchod na korze) transl. Iris Urwin Lewitová

Bohuslav ReynekThe Well at Morning, trans. Justin Quinn

Ludvík Vaculík: A Czech Dreambook (Český snář) trans. Gerald Turner

Libuše Moníková: Verklärte Nacht, excerpt trans. from German by Anne Posten

Ján JohanidesTrestajúci zločin (The Crime that Punishes)

Ján RoznerSedem dní do pohrebu (Seven Days to the Funeral

excerpt 1 and  2 , trans. Julia and Peter Sherwood

Gejza VámošAtómy boha (The Atoms of God)