Lit_cast Slovakia with Katarina Gephardt

The seventh edition of our English podcast. 

In Lit_Cast Slovakia #7 literature scholar Katarina Gephardt talks to Julia Sherwood about intrepid women travellers who helped shape an ambivalent image of Central and Eastern Europe in 19th century Britain, about generational memory and productive nostalgia in the writing of Verona Šikulová and Maroš Krajňak and her plans for a Companion to Contemporary Slovak Literature.



Background notes

Katarína Gephardt

The Idea of Europe in British Travel Narratives 1789 – 1914

Productive uses of nostalgia in contemporary Slovak fiction: Veronika Šikulová’s and Maroš Krajňak’s experiments with generational memory

Veronika Šikulová

- Miesta v sieti

Maroš Krajňak

- Excerpt from Carpathia

Silvester Lavrík

- Posledná k. & k. barónka

See also:

10 Slovak Women Writers We’d Love to Read in English

Svetlana Boym: The Future of Nostalgia