Application deadlines for the SLOLIA grant are 31 January, 30 April, 31 July and 31 October. Since the end of October is upon us, we would like to point out the closest deadline for sending in applications. You can find the application form here. A 5-member committee will choose the awardees. Results will be announced at the end of November 2021.
Grant program SLOLIA supports the publication of Slovak book in translation. Here are some of the supported publications that have come out in the past months: Hungarian translations of the books Matky a kamionisti (Mothers and Lorry Drivers), Trhlina (Crevice) and Svetozár, Polish translations of the books V panoramatickom kine (In the Panoramatic Movie Theatre), Čo Dante nevidel (What Dante Did Not See) and Smršť (The Storm), or the French translation of the book Liečiteľ (Healer). There are many more titles in different langauges and you can find the complete list here.