Katarína Kucbelová reads her poems in Rome on World Poetry Day
On the first day of spring, Slovak author and poet Katarína Kucbelová will read poems from her collection Vie, čo urobí (He Knows What He’ll Do, 2013, Artforum).
The event is organized by EUNIC, EU National Institutes for Culture, lending time and space for European poets to meet.
The presentation, partnered by Slovak Literary Centre will take place in Goethe Institute in Rome. The event is realized in cooperation with the Slovak Embassy in Rome and the Slovak Institute in Rome, and its aim is to reach the Italian audience, especially to find publishers who could publish other works of Slovak poets in translations into Italian.
On the eve of this event, on 20 March, Katarína Kucbelová will meet with students and lecturer Zuzana Nemčíková from the Slovak language lectorate of the Sapienza Università di Roma (University of Rome), who have been involved in the translation of her texts. The meeting will also be attended by the Director of the Slovak Institute in Rome, Mr. Peter Feranec.