Dušan Mitana foto 1
Foto©Peter Procházka

Dušan Mitana

9. 12. 1946
Moravské Lieskové
—  22. 5. 2019
essay, general fiction, literature, poetry, screenwriting
Mitana worked for two of the most prominent literary journals in Slovakia, Mladá tvorba and Romboid, and from 1975 on he was a freelance writer. He wrote more than a dozen books of prose, two collections of poetry, and several scripts. His work has been published in more than twenty countries. A mitanaesque duality of the rational-irrational is usually present in his stories, connecting everyday banal plots with elements of tension, hyperbole, secrecy and dreams. His last book, Nezvestný (Missing, 2019), has been published posthumously. Read more