Irena Brežná foto 1

Irena Brežná

26. 2. 1950
essay, general fiction, journalism, other, ya and children's books


Literary Prize of the Swiss Confederation 2012 for the novel Nevďačná cudzin(k)a / The Ungrateful Stranger

Theodor Wolff Prize for journalism for the book Zberateľka duší (Die Sammlerin der Seelen / The Souls Collector) in 2002

The journalistic prize Zürcher Journalistenpreis 2000 for a reportage about the Kosovo-Albanian refugees

Prix Mass Media 1989. Media Award of the Christoph Eckenstein Foundation in Geneva for the text List čiernemu synovi (Unser täglicher Rassismus - Náš každodenný rasizmus / Our Everyday Racism), published in the Swiss magazine Annabelle. 

Bern University Award for literature in German language for foreigners for the text Slovenské fragmenty (Slowakische Fragmente. So kam ich unter die Schweizer / Slovak Fragments) in 1984