Milan Rúfus foto 2

Milan Rúfus

10. 12. 1928
Závažná Poruba
—  11. 1. 2009
essay, literary science, poetry, ya and children's books

Complete list of works

When We Have Matured (Až dozrieme 1956), Boy (Chlapec, 1966), Bells (Zvony, 1968), A Triptych (When We Have Matured, Boy, In No Man`s Land, 1966), People in the Mountains (Ľudia v horách, 1969), The Table of the Poor (Stôl chudobných, 1972), Cradle (Kolíska, 1972), A Search for an Image (Hľadanie obrazu, 1973), A Boy Paints
a Rainbow
(Chlapec maľuje dúhu 1974), A Cradle Sings to Children (Kolíska spieva deťom, 1974), Music of Shapes (Hudba tvarov, 1977), The Forest (Hora , 1978), Ode to Joy (Óda na radosť, 1982), Severe Bread (Prísny chlieb 1987), A Late Self-Portrait (Neskorý autoportrét, 1992), Reading from Fate (Čítanie z údelu, 1996), Psalms on the Innocent (Žalmy o nevinnej, 1997), Dragonfly (Vážka, 1998), Simple until the Little Roots of Her Hair (Jednoduchá až po korienky vlasov, 2000), Time for Timid Questions (Čas plachých otázok, 2001), Chicory (Čakanka, 2003), Fidelity (Vernosť, 2007), To Bear the Burden an Sing (Niesť bremeno a spievať, 2008, bilingual Slovak-English), Like the Footprints in the Snow (Ako stopy v snehu, 2009). The colletion of poems, Nenogista roze, published in 2011 in Latvian contains also selected poems by him. 

poetry for children:
A Book of Fairy Tales (Kniha rozprávok, 1975), Saturday Evenings (Sobotné večery, 1980), Merry Fairy Tale, Stay for a While (Rozprávočka veselá, zostaň ešte s nami, 1985), A Little Well (Studniaka, 1986), Silent Fern (Tiché papradie, 1990), Mechúrik Koščúrik and His Friends (Mechúrik Koščúrik s kamarátmi, 1991), Little Prayers (Modlitbičky, 1992), Petals from Apple Trees (Lupienky z jabloní, 1993), Little Zodiac (Zvieratníček, 1994), New Little Prayers (Nové modlitbičky, 1994), Album. Prayer for
a Child
(Pamätníček. Modlitba za dieťa, 1995), The Guardian Angel Prayer (Anjelíčku, môj strážničku, 2008)

Man, Time, and Work (Človek, čas a tvorba, 1968), Four Epistles to the People (Štyri epištoly k ľuďom, 1969), On Literature (O literatúre, 1974), Epistles Old and New (Epištoly staré a nové, 1996), Conversations with Myself and with You (Rozhovory so sebou a s tebou 1, 2, 1998, 1999)

S. Yesenin: Selection (1957), M. J. Lermontov: Masquerades (1958), H. Ibsen: Peer Gynt (1966), F. Hrubín: 2 x 7 Fairy Tales (1973), F. Hrubín: Poems (1977), J. K. Tyl:
The Piper from Strakonice (1978), The Book of Psalms (1991), Crying of Yeremias (1997), S. Yesenin: Anna Snegina, Persian Motifs (1998)

Translations from Rúfus`s work have been published abroad in many anthologies.
Selected Poems (1973 Hungarian, 1975, 2000 Russian, 1977, 1992 Italian, 1978, 1995, 2001 Polish, 1978 Czech, 1983 Belorussian, Georgian, 1987 Lithuanian, 1990 Serbian, 1991 Ukrainian, 1997 Spanish /Time of Farewells/, 1998 German /Severe Bread/, Bulgarian /Pages from Fate/, 2000 Russian, 2001 Macedonian /Everyday Dialogue/)
A Poet`s Word (1981 Hungarian, selected essays)
Sister Hope (1998, in 6 languages)

Selectd Poems ,,Nenogista roze" (2011, Latvian)