(pseud.) Agda Bavi Pain

19. 6. 1969
Agda Bavi Pain
general fiction, other, poetry, ya and children's books
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Curriculum vitae

Agda Bavi Pain publishes prose and poetry under various pseudonyms and brand names both in domestic and international magazines and journals. His novel Koniec sveta (End of the World, 2006) won the first prize for East European literature in the Bank Austria Literaris 2008 competition. The popular film Babie leto (Indian Summer) is based on this book. He debuted with the satanic poetry colleciton Kosť & Koža (Skin and Bone, 2002) which stirred the literary scene as well as the church. He also wrote the collection of poetry titled Euröpain (2014) and two short-stories collections, More. Love. Chicks. (2014) Východ z raja (2016).