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Richard Pupala

19. 8. 1972
general fiction, literature, nonfiction, screenwriting

Curriculum vitae

Richard Pupala studied journalism at Comenius University and scriptwriting at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. Currently he freelances as a scriptwriter and dramaturg with various production and TV companies. In 2007 he won the short story competition “Poviedka”. With his two earlier collections of short fiction – Návštevy / Visits (2014) and Čierny zošit / The Black Notebook (2017) – Richard Pupala established himself as probably the most distinctive short story writer in Slovakia today. This position has not only been reaffirmed, but further enhanced by his latest collection of short stories, Ženy aj muži, zvieratá / Women and Men, Animals (2020). All three books were nominated for Slovakia’s most prestigious literary prize, the Anasoft Litera, with The Black Notebook shortlisted for the René Anasoft Litera (chosen by secondary school students), while his latest collection made it onto the 2021 Anasoft Litera shortlist.