Vanda Rozenbergová foto 1

Vanda Rozenbergová

4. 6. 1971
general fiction, other, translation activity, ya and children's books

Curriculum vitae

Vanda Rozenbergová is a writer and painter. She works as a library bibliographer. She studied journalism and has had a variety of different jobs. She is a three-time finalist of the Poviedka competition (2001, 2005 and 2006). Her writing is especially convincing when it comes to depicting personal relationships of her characters. Thanks to her observational skills and her attention to detail, her characters and their stories come to life. She was a TOP10 finalist for the Anasoft Litera Award with her short-stories collection Slobodu bažantom (Freedom for Pheasants, 2015) and her novels Muž z jamy, deti z lásky (Man out of Pit, Children out of Love, 2017) and Tri smrtky sa plavia (Three Deaths are Sailing, 2018). Vanda Rozenbergová is a multi-dimensional woman. Aside from her established writer’s career, she likes to draw -- she has illustrated the covers of her last three books -- and to organize summer camps for children from disadvantaged families and for those growing up in orphanages. A little girl from one of these camps has inspired her to write the character of Karola.