Flanérova košeľa / The Flâneur's Shirt

“I am at home in this street; in this street, I am king.” This was the motto of one of Slovakia’s most successful authors as she stepped out into the streets of Bratislava to give her own inimitable portrait of the capital city and its inhabitants.  

The Flâneur´s Shirt is a work of non-fiction telling the story of 8½ Bratislava streets. The first inspiration for the book was an interview of the author with Fabian Saul, editor of the Flaneur magazine, which in every issue looks closely at one street in a different city around the world. The book offers various perspectives, details and microworlds: just as some people like roving through forests, a flaneur goes around cities, not being choosy, not looking just for the pretty or attractive, but wandering everywhere. This movement becomes the flaneur’s obsession: for them such activity is not walking but working.



Book category



Flanérova košeľa

Original language

Slovak language

Published in



