"Flesh. Once Upon a Time in the East" is the fictional debut of the journalist Arpád Soltész. It takes place in eastern Slovakia where a journalist and a police officer face the police force, Justice, the secret service and the mafia while searching for the truth.
At the end of the golden 1990s, Slovakia is the Wild East. It is after the elections, Mečiar no longer heads the government, Lexa is on the run, secret servicemen are feverishly shredding documents and witnesses. Robo Holub has long been dead, Miki Černák is in prison, Žaluď has just been shot. Miki Miko, a policeman with gangster’s methods, and Pali Schlesinger, a journalist without the instinct of self-preservation, are trying to do their work. They seek the truth. Or at least a version of truth that can stand a chance in court.