Nevybavená záležitosť / Unsettled Business

When her husband dies Zita is left all alone in the world. She is over fifty and everything suddenly changes completely. After living for many years in the town, she finds herself in a village, feeling that she is nearing old age. Adapting is what is most difficult for her. Although she is charmed by the interior of her new environment, an ordinary village house, it is not easy to part with her previous lifestyle. Fortunately, Zita is a modern woman, she writes emails instead of letters, she does not cling to traditions, she does not resist changes. After the death of her husband Zita wants to fill her free time. In the loft she finds the picture of a beautiful young woman, some notes and an old diary. She delves into other people’s lives and although at first she tries to resist, they eventually completely absorb her attention. Lost letters, a picture found by chance, a house that belonged to who knows who, a cat that appears out of nowhere and disappears again, a friend who surfaces from the past. These fragments begin to make up a story. The investigation into the unknown woman in the picture forms a bridge between the present and the past, which nevertheless remains shrouded in mystery. 


Number of pages



Slovak language



Book category

General Fiction

Original language

Slovak language



Published in




Book cover
