Kamil Peteraj foto 2

Kamil Peteraj

18. 9. 1945
ya and children's books, other, poetry

Complete list of works

Orchard of the Winter Birds (Sad zimných vtákov, 1965), Time of the Violin (Čas violy, 1966), Queen of the Night (Kráľovná noci, 1968), A Walk with the Evening Star (Vychádzka s večernicou, 1971), Lipohrádok (Lipohrádok, 1973), Faust and the Daisies (Faust a margaréty, 1981), One Minute Poems (Minútové básne, 1986), Consolations /Maxims /Telegrams (Útechy / maximy / telegramy, 1987), A Second of Delight (Sekunda rozkoše, 1989), The House of the Virgin (Dom panny, 1991), A Lyrical Promenade (Lyrické korzo, 1991), Down Blind Alleys (V slepých uličkách, 1999), The Scented Secrets (Voňavé tajomstvá, 1999), The Breviary of Love (Breviár lásky, 2001), Lime Tree Mansion, the second, modified, edition (Lipohrádok, 2. upravené vydanie, 2004), What You Whisper to the Girls (Čo sa šeptá dievčatám, 2007), That´s What I am Saying, author´s selection (Toto je moja reč, autorský výber, 2008)

books of aphorisms:
Ships in Delirium. Bon Mots (Lode v delíriu. Bonmottá, 1983), A Butterfly from Another Heaven (Motýľ z iného neba, 1988)

lyrics books:
Cyrano from the Suburbs (Cyrano z predmestia, 1978, lyrics for a musical), Texts (Texty, 1985), Barefoot Love, 77 Song Lyrics (Bosá láska, 77 piesňových textov, 1986), Pop Texts (Pop texty, 1988), All Wounds Will Heal (Čo bolí, to prebolí, 2004) 

verse for children:
The Little Mouse and the Big Elephant (Malá myš a veľký slon, 1986), We Play the Whole Year Round (Celý rok sa hráme, 1990)

Peteraj`s poems have been translated into several languages and published abroad in literary magazines and anthologies.