Mammoth in the Fridge (Mamut v chladničke, 1992, children`s novel), I Probably Did Not Come for no Reason (Asi som neprišiel len tak, 1992, novel), Marrakech (Marakéš, 1994, short stories), Three Women Under a Walnut Tree (Tri Ieny pod orechom, 1996, novel), Polar Butterfly /Area 3 x 4/ (Polárny motýľ /Priestor 3 x 4/, 1997, novel), OK - 85 /Story about an Ant`s Broken Journey/ (OK - 85 /Príbeh o prerušenej mravčej ceste/, 1998, novel), It Will Be a Nice Funeral (Bude to pekný pohreb,1997, novella)