Ivan Kolenič foto 1

Ivan Kolenič

22. 1. 1965
poetry, general fiction

Complete list of works

Brought by the Storm (Prinesené búrkou, 1986), Rock and Roll (Rock and roll, 1990), The Graceful Games of Aristocracy (Pôvabné hry aristokracie, 1993), Delights of Anarchy (Slasti anarchie, 1993), Little Roots of Invisibility (Korienky neviditeľnosti, 1994), You're Awake and Gently Denying (Nespíš a nežne zapieraš, 1997), In the Spot-light (Na výslní, 2003), The Touring Madhouse (Putovný blázinec, 2004). The collection of poems, Nenogista roze, published in 2011 in Latvian contains also selected poems by him. 

To Be Silent (Mlčať, 1992), The Breaking of Paradise (Porušenie raja, 1993), Like Cigarette Smoke (Ako z cigariet dym, 1996), One Smile is Enough (Jeden úsmev stačí, 1999), Farewell to Poems (Daj zbohom básneniu, 2004), Scissors (Nožnice, 2005), Susan Said (Zuzana povedala, 2007) 

works translated:
Kolenič's poems appeared in English, German, French and Latvian translation in several anthologies published in Slovakia and abroad.