Ivan Štrpka foto 3

Ivan Štrpka

30. 6. 1944
essay, literary science, other, poetry, general fiction

About author

Štrpka`s poetry certainly is meant for the sophisticated reader because it is not simple. It is an intellectual message that cannot be understood from one poem alone, it has to be read as a whole.
Tomáš Winkler

Štrpka is obviously the "monolithic" type of author who has his very own opinions, firm attitudes and values but on the other hand he is not immune to literary and non-literary movements. There is a certain tension between his way of processing reality and his way of letting reality influence him. Štrpka grasps reality by using complex poetical apparatus, he does not reduce complexities of reality to a few signs like Strážay, but describes it from different angles almost like a Cubist. He literally uses quadrophonic instrumentation. It is an orgy of punctuation: full stops, commas, colons, dashes, italics and capitals, almost as if the verses cried out while you read them quietly.

Daniel Hevier

The New Age demands new poetry, sharp and uncompromising vision, and not showers of sweet smelling petals. Štrpka`s poetry is like a film, full of movement and rapidly changing images, with lots of detail and a story.

Štefan Moravčík

It is very interesting to watch how Štrpka reevaluates his own subject, gives it a new coat and how this redecorated text gains completely different qualities. This becomes even more obvious if we compare Štrpka the poet with Štrpka the lyric writer. While in his rock compositions (in cooperation with Dežo Ursíny) the atmosphere is enhanced by music, in poems he has to achieve the same effect by different means. What Ursíny sings, Štrpka is trying to "explain" in words... Štrpka`s language is condensed and he has everything it takes to make a good poem: wit, idea, invention, elegance, suggestion, conciseness, paraphrase and last but not least, ingenious metaphors.

Ivan Kolenič

With Štrpka, poetic images are born mainly from inner human longing for "self rejuvenation and constitution in the springs" where "out of the authentic being
a reflex of language is continually coming to existence". Only thus can people live the life of independent individuals rather than collectively anaesthetized monsters.


Eva Jenčíková