Dominika Madro

3. 11. 1990
—  27. 4. 2024
fantasy-science fiction, general fiction, ya and children's books

She was born on the third day of the third month of autumn 1990 in Myjava but would rather have been born after winter somewhere on the Mediterranean. She first studied Slovak language and literature at Comenius University in Bratislava then Drama and Scriptwriting at the famous VŠMU. But she would rather have grown writing like bonsai...Her fantasy ballad about guilt and atonement Smrť Erlewangovej dcéry (The Death of Erlewang’s Daughter) was published in the Fantázia 2016 anthology. It tells the story of an old king who wants to gain peace in the afterlife for his daughter and thus goes in search of Baldasarro, a guide to the tombs where she is buried. His quest becomes a passage through purgatory, however, as he is reminded of his old sins which he had swept under a carpet of pride. In 2016 she won the national POVIEDKA competition with her short prose work Svätyňa, which she then developed into her debut novel Svätyne (2019). She also writes radio plays for children.

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