Open Call for a Substitute TROJICA AIR Residency in Oct/Nov

We are announcing an open call for a substitute residency for translators that will take place between 16 October and 15 November 2021. 

LIC, The Slovak Literary Center, the town of Banská Štiavnica and the civic association Literatúra offer a month-long creative residency -- TROJICA AIR (artist in residence) -- to a translator of Slovak literature into foreign languages. 

The dates of the residency are 16 October – 15 November. 


The translator will have at their disposal a one-bedroom apartment and study in the center of Banská Štiavnica on Trojičné námestie (entry from Radničné námestie) and a monthly stipend of 1000 Euro. The first half of the stipend will be deposited into the resident's bank account when they start the residency, the rest of the sum will be paid after the residency. 

LIC does not cover the travel costs or any other expenses.  

The residency is valid for one resident without any accompanying persons.


We kindly ask translators to submit their applications before 30 September 2021 via the following email address:

The results will be announced on 1 October 2021.



Application must include:

a/ CV and contact information (telephone, email, address)

b/ Letter of motivation explaining the choice of the translated work 

c/ Letter of intent from the publishing house that will publish the book or a publishing contract. (Even though we prefer projects that have a guaranteed publisher, projects with a preliminatory interest of a publishing house will also be considered.)

d/ Translation license agreement between the author of the original work and the publisher, or permission of the author of the original work to translate the work in case a publisher's letter of intent is presented


Additional information:

  • The chosen text must be a work of original Slovak prose, essay, reportage, or poetry, or a book for children and young adults. (The call does not include scientific literature)

  • The work must be previously unpublished in the chosen language


Evaluation criteria:

  • When considering an application, a legal guarantee of the future translation and its publication is valued the most. 

  • We also consider the choice of the work and we advise translators to familiarize themselves with books that have resonated in Slovakia in the past (awards, reviews and overall positive reception) or that are being translated into other languages.

  • We also consider the translator's experience and published translations. 

For consultations, please contact us at

photo: Freepik