Juraj Briškár foto 2

Juraj Briškár

24. 9. 1964
general fiction, literary science, other, poetry

Curriculum vitae

A literature specialist and aphorist, he first taught at the Dept. of Slovak Language and Literature in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Jozef Šafárik in Prešov. Later he taught at Szeged University before returning to Prešov University. He has published the following books of aphorisms: Mlčanie (Silence, 1994), Chôdza v Oriente (Walking in the Orient, 1998), Autumnal furniture (2002) and Symetrické pozorovania (Symmetrical Observations, 2011), as well as a book of essays called Elementárne situácie v literatúre (Elementary situations in literature, 2005). The prose work Sprievodca nezrozumiteľnosťou (A Guide to Incomprehensibility, 2014) is his literary debut and reached the finals of the Anasoft Litera 2015.