Dominik Tatarka foto 2

Dominik Tatarka

14. 3. 1913
—  10. 5. 1989
essay, nonfiction, other, screenwriting, general fiction

Complete list of works

In the Anxiety of Searching (V úzkosti hľadania, 1942), The Miraculous Virgin (Panna zázračnica, 1944), People and Deeds (Ľudia a skutky, 1947), The Clerical Republic (Farská republika, 1948), The First and Second Strike (Prvý a druhý úder, 1950), The Wedding Cake (Radostník, 1954), The Years of Companionship (Družné letá, 1954), Man on the Road (Človek na cestách, 1957, travelogue), Conversations without End (Rozhovory bez konca, 1959), Our Brigade (Naša brigáda, 1962), The Demon of Conformism (Démon súhlasu, 1963), Wicker Armchairs (Prútené kreslá, 1963), In No-Time (V nečase, 1978), Alone Against the Night (Sám proti noci, 1984), Scribbles (Písačky, 1984 ), Letters to Eternity (Listy do večnosti, 1989), Recordings (Navrávačky, 1988, 2001)

Against the Demons (Proti démonom, 1968), Conversations on Culture and Discourse (Hovory o kultúre a obcovaní, 1995, published posthumously)

film scripts:
The Dam (Priehrada), The Miraculous Virgin (Panna zázračnica)

Tatarka translated novels by French writers Vercors, A. de Musset, and G. de Maupassant.

Tatarka`s works, including those published in samizdats in the Seventies and Eighties, have been translated into many languages and widely published abroad in literary magazines and anthologies.
The Miraculous Virgin (1964 Czech)
The Clerical Republic (1949 Czech, 1951 Hungarian, 1960 German, 1961 Ukrainian, 1966 Russian)
The Years of Companionship (1963 Ukrainian)
Conversations Without End (1959 Czech)
Wicker Armchairs (1963 Czech, 1965 German, Polish, 1969 Hungarian, Serbo-Croat, 1993 French)
Demon of Conformism(1964 Czech, 1969 Hungarian, 1986 French)
Alone Against the Night (1984 Czech in Munich, 1995 German)