Leopold Lahola foto 1

Leopold Lahola

30. 1. 1918
—  12. 1. 1968
editorial activities, general fiction, literary science, poetry, screenwriting, theatre & drama & film
Leopold Lahola wrote fiction, theatre plays and screenplays and he was also a film director. Born into a Jewish family, he was unable to finish his studies at the Faculty of Arts in Bratislava due to the anti-semitic laws that were in place in Slovakia during WWII. He joined the army and later the National Uprising. After the war, his plays were staged at the Slovak National Theatre. He started writing for film as well but after his work was critisized by the literary reviewers of the communist regime as ideologically unsound, he emigrated to Israel and later to Germany. There, he continued his career in film. With time, he was able to return to Czechoslovakia and work on his films here as well. He died in Bratislava in the middle of the shooting of his film "Sladký čas Kalimagdory." Read more